Create Benefits From Your Product’s Features

by Fran Piggott  - February 1, 2017

The person who builds benefit after benefit is the professional and successful one. Your marketing efforts will always profit from focusing on the benefits you are providing to your customers or subscribers, rather that the benefits you are realizing. What value are you providing?

Give your customers or subscribers what they WANT, not what you think they need! Therefore, it’s critical to turn the need into a want.. In this way you are appealing to their self-interest. The more accurately you can identify, appeal to and provide what they intensely desire, the more successful you’ll ultimately be. It isn’t how you sell your product or service, but rather, what customer or subscriber wants are you satisfying?

A feature is one of the components or functions of your product or service. Features are specific qualities that are built into a product or service. They’re all the details such as color, size, function, ingredients, materials used, hours of service, etc. What these features mean to your customers or subscribers are benefits.

A benefit is something your product or service will do for your customer or subscriber, to somehow offer a solution to their problem. In other words, what they actually get from using your ‘feature’.

Make your customers or subscribers consider what they may lose, risk or waste if they don’t own your product or use your service. Make them understand what they can gain, achieve or benefit by if they take you up on your offer. Fear and desire are the base human emotions.

The best way to derive powerful benefits is to first list every conceivable feature of your product or service. If your product is physical, place it in front of you; if it’s a service think of everything about that service.

Now, create a list of features on the left side of a page. Then with each feature apply “So what?” “What’s in it for me?” and transform every feature into a powerful advantage to the customer or subscriber with magical appeal. For example: What does that feature mean to the end user? How will they be advantaged by this feature? What’s great about it from the customer’s or subscriber’s point of view?

Benefits fuel emotions and emotions drive human behavior! Don’t you find that you buy with emotion and then justify with logic … we all do!

Put your customers or subscribers in the picture by using ‘you’ and ‘your’ to create an immediate connection with what you’re offering. Remember to use as many of the ‘hot buying triggers’ that you can ….. save money; make money; save time; no effort; and no pain or fear or risk.

For example …

Deluxe Autowasher reduces water use = You save money

Wash, wax and rinse with the same unit = Extremely easy and convenient to use. You save countless hours every month.

Sturdy, polished aluminum construction = Unit will last longer, so you’ll save money on replacement costs.

Airconditioning = Keeps you cool and comfortable on hot days

Anti-lock brakes and airbags = Very safe for you and your family

By using this product you will increase your sales =Your sales will increase by up to 22% in 30 days or less

Shampoo with VO5 = Clean, great-looking, free flowing hair

The Grade A Gardening Shovel is ergonomically designed to remove weeds more efficiently than traditional shovels = Get your weeding done in half the time AND reduce wrist soreness!

Acme Deluxe Cleaner cleans both floors AND windows = Buy fewer cleaning supplies and save you money

Besides the ‘Hot Buying Triggers’ mentioned above, there are more you can use, like …

# Satisfaction of caution
# Benefit to health
# Protection and security
# Utility value
# Satisfaction of pride
# Pleasure
# Sentimental reasons
# Envy
# Approval of others
# Social achievement
# To feel important
# Self-indulgence
# Love
# Self-preservation

Here’s even more specific classification for benefits …

1. Profit – direct gain of money – return from investment – cost reduction – increased output – less absenteeism – quicker selling lines.

2. Efficiency – overall performance – it’s faster – easier to handle – less risk of breakdown – less complicated – more powerful – quieter in operation – works to finer limits.

3. Protection and Security – confidence in supplier – guaranteed standards – guaranteed deliveries – elimination of risk to employees – good after-sales service – wards off competition – heavily backed by advertising.

4. Appearance – good design – compact – modern in its concept – wide color range – appealing packaging.

5. Durability – long life – less maintenance – withstands rough usage – less risk of breakdowns – customer satisfaction.

6. Utility – saving in time – labor – effort – more convenient to use – easier to handle.

7. Health – better working conditions – reduces strain – better environment – benefit to employees (for example: a canteen, food, air conditioning, lighting, medical expenses funding, etc) – health value to customers.

Because of your understanding of your customers or subscribers wants, you’re able to build powerful benefits generating a strong offering – one which will appeal to the widest range of your customers or subscribers.

I’d love to have your input and questions … as I’m sure many others would, so let’s have your comments below.


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Fran Piggott

When Fran discusses marketing and sales, she draws from her real-world expertise. Her fundamental passion revolves around boosting sales profitability with minimal effort to achieve the maximum rewards. While tips, strategies, and knowledge have their place, nothing can replace the wisdom gained through hands-on experience.

  • And this is why it is so important to define your target market accurately and specifically. What matters to one market segment might repel another.

    For instance, “comfort” might mean dowdy to one person, and a welcome respite to another. “Reliable” might be high on one customers list of needs, but for another it might be a signal that you are not innovative enough for their needs.

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