Personal Development: A Goal to Reach For!

by Fran Piggott  - June 29, 2009

by Elliott Roberts

In our world of time crunches, we manage to find time to notice our children’s life patterns, the growing patterns of our plants and even the schedule and pattern of our next door neighbors, but we can not seem to find the time to notice our own personal patterns. Our personal development does not stop because we grow older. On the contrary, it should grow and expand as we become more wise.

Maintain a positive attitude. Greet each day with a smile and end each day with gratitude. Yes, life can be very challenging. A positive attitude cannot make the bad stuff go away, but it does change how you deal with it and help you find quicker resolve.

Achieving goals. Setting goals can work in a positive manner for your life in two ways. It can help you to recognize the goals you have set before you and feel a sense of accomplishment when those goals are completed. It is important to write down you goals in order to physically cross them off the list when they are done. This gives finality to the goal and a boost to your self esteem.

Recognizing you. A person who is self aware is a person who understands how life can be changed for the better. Self awareness is almost like an open window just screaming for you to look in and notice the areas that need improvement.

Time management is as important to the stay at home mom as to the CEO of a large corporation. Both positions carry too many responsibilities and unexpected tasks to be handled in a single day. Time management involves taking charge of your day and deciding what gets done and what can wait until tomorrow.

Time management leads us to balance. It is constant work to maintain balance between career and home, work and play, spouse and parent, etc. Plan more. Allow time for each role you play in life and stick to it.

Returning home. When you feel as though you have not focused enough on yourself, eating right, exercise and learning to treat yourself can mean all the world. These three parts of personal development will have the largest impact on YOU!

The time is now to change who you are from the personal you have become into the person you want to be. Personal development is all about making you feel better and thus affecting those around you.

About The Author: Elliott Roberts writes for Becomng, a Self Improvement blog, covering topics ranging from Productivity to Meditation, plus others. Read Becomng, and evolve your life!

Follow Your Passion & Stick To What You Know!

Fran Piggott

When Fran discusses marketing and sales, she draws from her real-world expertise. Her fundamental passion revolves around boosting sales profitability with minimal effort to achieve the maximum rewards. While tips, strategies, and knowledge have their place, nothing can replace the wisdom gained through hands-on experience.

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